Sunday, January 4, 2009

Santa Visited Our House

We got home late from St. George on Christmas Eve. The kids were all sound asleep in the car. But I still woke them up so that they could put cookies out for Santa Claus. They just couldn't forget to do that. Zach insisted on writing a note to Santa. In the morning, Santa wrote "Thank You" back to them.It is a tradition in my family to make the kids wait at the top of the stairs. We didn't make them wait very long: all of the vacuuming had been done the night before.
Look, Santa left a message. He really did stop by and he used the gift that Lyf and Angie made for me to say hello.

Zach told Santa he wanted a cool craft box and a sword, and a few other things. He was mostly nice and a little bit naughty, so he didn't get everything on his list. But he did okay. The Kung Fu Panda sword and craft box were a big hit.

Raef was able to get a bunch of army stuff to add to his collection. He had a little naughty problem also, so he got most everything he hoped Santa would bring.

Of course, Eli was just nice. He wasn't naughty at all. So he got a pretty groovy toy to push around.

It was a fun Christmas morning. Rinar got me a couple of really cool gifts. The first one was a sewing machine, a really nice one. The second one was six months of laundry service by my lovely husband; meaning he will be doing the laundry. What a nice gift, huh? I think he was tired of asking me if I could please, please, please wash some of his black socks. The poor guy never got any clean ones in his drawer. Let's face it, I really stink at doing laundry.

I got him some running stuff, like an iPod shuffle (so that he would stop using mine).

1 comment:

Lanell said...

I sometimes wish we had stairs for that reason! Other times I'm glad we don't have them ;)

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