Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mom...Don't Rec Me!

Continuing my post from yesterday...

Zach has become my first victim.

As you can see, he is familiar with the camera because he plays with it a lot. He was begging me not to rec (record) him. The camera does say "rec" when you shoot a movie. He is exactly right.

And five minutes later...

This poem is entitled, "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore" by William Brighty Rands. It is number 13 in Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization. I think he is ready for number 14, don't you?


Meridy said...

Hey Kelly! I left you a comment on the political blog, but I thought that I would leave you one here too about it. Sure you can be a contributor! But I need your email address to do it. Email me at meridyforgot at hotmail. And don't forget to write a little blip about you in the sidebar when it's all set up. ;)

Lanell said...

Wow, what a transformation in a matter of a few min. And they say women have mood swings . . . ;)

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