Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Mirror

Motherhood shoved a big mirror in my face and has made me take a hard look at myself. Sometimes, I really do not like what I see. It exposes all of my weaknesses. I can't hide from them and it can be overwhelming trying to overcome them.  The ruts can cut pretty deep. I have been having a hard time trying to put two solid thoughts much screaming, whining, crying, incessant chatter.  My brain is on overload.

Then I realize how uninteresting my own personal life is.  I am not one who is going to measure my success based on the accomplishments of my children. Therefore, I can only look at what I have done. I am not impressed.


Zana said...

It's not about what you've done, it is about what you are doing.

That is impressive enough.

bk said...

you aren't impressed?!?!?! you are raising two sets of twins (plus one) and you're not impressed?!?!?!?!?! woman, what you do as a mom is ah-MAY-zing. i am very impressed.

Hoku said...

I am!!!

NormaKimokeo said...

Are you KIDDING?!?!! You trump the day to day chaos with all the opportunities you give your kids to learn incredible things and travel to open their eyes to so much of the world through their travels... You are like a MAGICIAN! Amazing!

Christi Sewell said...

I think you are leaving a bit of the story out, eh? At least compared to detail in all your other posts. I am not saying to air dirty laundry (You know I always thought you were perfect, still do most of the time. I still don't feel like I measure up.) but if you really want to ship some of your kiddos down here for a while. After dealing with their dear old auntie they just may be angels when they get back. *grins*

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