The little monster, excuse me, adorable little monster was so stubborn. Holy cow. He could barely keep his eyes open and yet, he would consistently come out of his room. I spanked him, cajoled him, lovingly caressed him, firmly reprimanded him, but it still did not matter. I started this process at 6:30pm because I knew he was tired. It did not matter.
Finally things settled down at about 9:00pm. Then it was really quiet and I went to check on him. And I'll be darned, this is what I found.
He was sound asleep in the hallway on the floor. So, did I win or did he?
Rinar came home on Thursday with a new solution.

Which was accompanied by this...

{cue "Choirs of Heaven" music}
The next night came with a lot less resistance and just resolution, really. He knew he couldn't get out and he knew we were not coming for him. But in a final act of defiance.
He is two after all.
This story is sooo funny!!!! (not for you probably). I love the way you write your blog :)
In retrospect, it is very funny.
Oh, the little hand under the door. And the thumb sucking curled up in a diaper pic is mmmm, so cute!
It was good seeing you yesterday at the baptism. Love your singing voice!
That last picture is hilarious!
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