Here is the crew: Zach, Dad, Raef, and Uncle Nordel...on the tram at McCarran, going to their plane.

These boys look like they are ready for an adventure.

On Thursday night, they ate at a true Texas BBQ house...I think it was called Ray's or something like that.

The Wild Life Safari Park. Doesn't this look super-cool? You stay in your car and the animals come right up to you. Totally awesome!!

We learned about camels a few weeks ago. Did you know that a camel that has two humps is a Bactrian camel, like the one shown here? A camel with one hump is a Dromidary. How can you remember this. If you turn a 'B' on its side, it has two humps, and a 'D' on its side only has one hump. Now you will always remember. The kids were excited to see the camel, especially since they knew the difference.

There was also a little goat farm. The kids loved it so much, that they went to it 2 times.

Rinar said that zebras can be kind of mean. They use their teeth to get their food, so you have to be a little bit careful when feeding them...and stay in your car!

There was a snake farm as well.
Look at those boas.

After the farm, it was movie time. But, you have to play some video games while you wait.

Then, you cap it off with miniature golf. Zach got a hole-in-one.

When they got back to the hotel they went swimming and then went to bed. It took about five seconds for them to fall fast asleep.

Saturday! The water park!
It is open!!!! Yeah!!!

This is the best part of the trip. Rinar wanted to take the boys on the sky coaster. You know those extra rides at an amusement park that cost a lot of extra money to do? Well, Zach was gung-ho! He couldn't wait to ride it. However, Raef did not want to go. Rinar offered him a $1. Nope. $5. No way. $10. Uh...no. Final price...$15. Rinar paid Raef $15 to go on this crazy ride. Once they were harnessed in, Zach was enjoying the view as they ascended to the top slowly. Raef was trembling and holding on tightly to Rinar's arm. At the top, Raef decided that he changed his mind and he didn't want to go. Zach pulled the rip cord and had a huge smile on his face as they plummeted towards the earth. Raef still held Dad's arm very tightly. After the second pendulum swing, Raef started to enjoy the ride.
He said he would do it again. Plus, he had $15.

The rental car...

These boys look beat as they wait for the airplane to return home.

What an adventure.
What an adventure! That is so cool that they got to have a boys weekend. I didn't know that about camels, but I do know you can't make cheese from their milk. Why I know that I don't know. I think it had to do with one of the boys homework.
How fun! I love how exhausted the boys look at the end of each day :)
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