Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas 2010

Santa decided to visit us in St. George this year. I guess it was easier for him because the condo has a chimney. We had our annual Christmas Eve/Grandma birthday party at Lyf's house and we stayed late. Usually we drive home after the party so we can get ready for Santa's arrival. As we were driving back to the condo the kids finally realized that it was late. They were worried but I assured them that we would wake up early in the morning and go back to Las Vegas to see what Santa brought. Amazingly enough, he came to us, with a Christmas tree and everything! Cool, huh?


Puzzles. He is in love with them right now.

He got a piano!  He was in heaven.

Dolly, you know it!

Harry got his own phone. He loves phones. Best. Thing. Ever. Plus he is sporting an outfit from his cousin Jazon.

We had a lot of fun and we were even able to see some long last family that came down to visit Grandma N. from Provo.

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