Now on to my post...
Summer is just about over and I am gearing up for a fabulous school year with my kids. Can I tell you that I love teaching my kids now more than ever? Plus, this last year I finally learned what a preposition is, so I feel very accomplished.
We have indulged in a summer hiatus and I think it has been a good thing for all of us. But I have been making preparations, ordering new materials, and organizing our school area. I feel like I have a better handle on things. It is logical to assume that with more years under my belt, the more I know what I can and cannot accomplish. But I am raising the bar, so I have lofty goals this year.
I am going to continue on with some of the same curriculum, like Math-U-See (the best math program on the planet), Spelling Workout, grammar, etc. But they are getting older now and I know that they are ready for some more challenging course work.
Therefore, I am adding Latin to the rotation: Latina Christiana. It is designed for younger students and I think it will be perfect. It is one lesson a week, and then review the other four days.
This is kind of what it is going to look like for our family.
Monday - scriptures, poems, violin/viola, reading, co-op
Tuesday - scriptures, handwriting, spelling, grammar, math, violin/viola, copywork, history, spanish, reading, poems, Latin, read-aloud
Wednesday - scriptures, math, spelling, Latin, writing, grammar, geography, Spanish, reading, poems, read-aloud
Thursday -scriptures, spelling, math, violin/viola, handwriting, grammar, copywork, history, Spanish, reading, poems
Friday - scriptures, math, violin/viola, writing, geography, poems, science, Latin
Is that impressive or what?
Are you thinking, "What the heck? She is going to do all that? She is crazy!!" Well, you already knew I was a little crazy. However, this is really not too bad. I was already doing most of this last year, and it would only take us 2-3 hours to finish everything. However, now the school day will be getting longer as I want to really delve into these subjects more fully. This is the year: 3rd grade. They read really well, they are ready to start writing a little bit, and they are excited about learning.
So am I.
By the way, if you notice anything I haven't mentioned that we should be studying, would you let me know?
In preparation for this year, I decided I needed a big cork board, in order to display calendars, schedules, finished work and things like that. However, cork boards can get a bit pricey, especially for how big I wanted it. Luckily I came up with an affordable solution. I found cork tiles at Wal-mart, spray painted a stencil design on the outer edge to spice it up, and then made a frame to finish it off. Okay, I confess. Rinar actually did the cutting, glueing and nailing, but I conceptualized it and painted it!
It is 4feet x 4feet and it really gives our school area some pizazz. I also finally made some notebooks for the boys. The Latin notebook is completely done but the other three need some content on the inside in preparation for the new year. But I love the way they turned out. I used my old scrapbooking stuff and I love it.
If you noticed on my schedule for Monday I listed co-op. This is a cooperative learning school that I do with many other homeschooling families. We use a private school building that is closed on Mondays and we pool our talents and resources to teach the kids classes. I am going to be teaching bridge building and skyscrapers. It is going to be awesome. I have been saving all of my boxes and toilet tubes and such. Anything that might be building worthy, I am squirreling away. I will have 8 boys in my class and I think they will enjoy what I will be offering them. My boys will also be taking an art class, book club, and choir. They get to be with their friends in a fun environment. We started this "school" many years ago and it keeps growing. I love it.
Now you can see what I will be doing, starting on Monday. Therefore, I have decided that since this is my job and I take it very seriously, I will not be answering my phone M-F until after 2pm. I still like all of you but I get distracted too easily and I have a hard time saying no. Instead of saying no, I am saying yes to my kids and their education. You can leave me a message or send me a text or email.
Now you can see what I will be doing, starting on Monday. Therefore, I have decided that since this is my job and I take it very seriously, I will not be answering my phone M-F until after 2pm. I still like all of you but I get distracted too easily and I have a hard time saying no. Instead of saying no, I am saying yes to my kids and their education. You can leave me a message or send me a text or email.
Homeschooling is an awesome experience and a fantastic lifestyle. I am out to convert the world. It is so much easier and more rewarding than you could ever realize. Call me sometime and I will tell you all about it. Just make sure it is after 2pm.
Sounds like a fun class! Good Luck!
Wow! Talk about an over achiever! I admire you for your efforts and your enthusiasm. Your kids are going to be brilliant!
I am mind boggled. And impressed.
Oh- and I love that video too. I've watched it so many times! LOL!
Are you channeling Mr Yehling?
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