Sarah Palin could be my neighbor, the woman who sits in the pew next to me at church, or a girlfriend I talk to on the phone. She could be me. If she can be Vice President, why can't I be someday? Anything is possible now.
She started her political career with the PTA! She isn't full of herself because of some over-priced degree from a fancy-schmancy university that churns out the same tired, ultra-feminist, man-hating idealogue. She has actually lived a real life, in real America just like I have. This is what American dreams are made of.
She has a real family with real problems and triumphs, just like my family. She believes in a kind of America I believe in.
She has inspired me.
She makes me proud to be an American, a woman, a mother. I mean, she played on her high school basketball team. So did I. I know who she is because it is my story too.
This is something to be excited about...and I am stoked. I never, in my wildest dreams thought that I would say that about this election cycle.
I mean, Obama decided to pick a stodgy, crusty old has-been from the upper-crust. Who is that guy anyways? He isn't me. Plus, it is the same old stuff and I am tired of the same old stuff. Obama promises hope and change and yet he picks a guy who is about as inspiring as a windowless office painted in taupe. Who cares? All I can say is "GAG!"
True feminism is being a real woman: unabashedly loving your man, loving your children (flaws and all), overachieving, serving, and being fearless.
Sarah Palin is the embodiment of real feminism. Woman power. And can I just say that a real woman is someone who never takes the easy way out by aborting a baby that would not be "perfect" according to worldly standards. Or encouraging an abortion for one of your daughters so that the family can maintain a certain image.
Sarah Palin is a woman who inspires me to be a better woman. She is who I want to be.
So, three cheers for feminism!
I totally agree with everything you said! I'm so glad McCain did at least one thing right by picking Pallin to be his VP.
Now That's My Girl!!
I second that!
Bravo for you too for such a well written article. I was impressed with her speech and personality too. She is now our favorite of all four running.
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