Monday, December 8, 2008

King Narmer Does Not Shut Up

When Zach makes up his mind he is going to do something, it will be done or he will drive you crazy by the constant 2 minute reminders. Yesterday, he decided he wanted to make an Egyptian King Narmer crown. We had learned about it for our history section months ago, but for some reason yesterday he really wanted to make a crown.

So after reminding me about 10 times that he wanted to make a crown, he decided he would make a list for me ... and this is what he wrote:

In case you can't read it, it says, "remeber tomoroww Egypt crown like this together".

He drew it for me so I could remember what it was supposed to look like. He wrote the note himself. I did not help him at all with any of the spelling or composition.

Today we made the crown. Did I really have a choice? Here is what it looked like when he finished it.
He probably got the idea from his brother. Raef took it upon himself to make a pirate hat and several telescopes. Zach tried to convince Raef to make a hook as well, but he didn't seem too concerned about it. Raef made the hat all by himself without any help at all. He even drew a skull and cross bones on it as a nice added touch. He wore it all day yesterday.

Rinar left for SLC and Albuquerque in the early evening, so I decided to take the kids to a free Christmas concert tonight at UNLV. Here they are right before the show started. Notice the white angel with the blue background...

Zach was fascinated by it and how it changed colors and the picture changed also. He kept telling me every time it changed, about every 5 seconds through every darn song they performed. I kept telling him to stop talking, but he was undeterred. He just couldn't help himself. I kept thinking how handy it would have been to have this in my purse...

But, unfortunately for me, I didn't. Funny thing though...I did actually have this in my purse...

Seriously, I had two bottles of the stuff in my purse.

I had an internal debate with myself while the pops orchestra was playing a beautiful rendition of "We Three Kings"...would the glue even work? I decided against it for several reasons. First, it was dark and thus it would have been hard to apply evenly. Second, it would have been messy. And thirdly, it would not have dried before the show was over. I just had to resign myself to the incessant talking. I eased the burden of verbal barrage with some carmels I mercifully had in my purse. It took the edge off of the last 20 minutes.


likeschocolate said...

Note to myself that candies can keep a child quiet. Must put some in purse. Thanks for the tip! Great Hats!!!

Lindsay G said...

I love that you had elmer's glue in your purse! Oh the randomness of a woman's purse!

Julie T. said...

You are so funny!! I am a huge believer of gray tape(that's what our family calls it)- I keep it in my car at all times- just in case I ever need it for anything.
Also, love the hats:)

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