Unfortunately, this post will not be accompanied by any pictures, but I would like to share with you anyways. We had friends over for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. That is always a lot of fun and then we headed to St. George in the evening. Friday is Rinar's family Thanksgiving dinner. We surrendered Thursday to spouses' families and it seems to work out really well. During dinner Rinar presented me with an envelope and in it was a stack of papers with pictures to give me clues to a big surprise he had for me.
He took me to Salt Lake City. And he told me we were leaving in 15 minutes. All of his siblings took the kids for us, plus my good friend Debbie from Atlanta. Then we hit the road. He had rented an SUV for the trip because the roads were treacherous.
And why did he take me there? That's right...to see Utah play their big rivalry game against BYU. We stayed at Jared's hotel, had dinner with my brother and his fiance Leah, and then went to the game the next day. Let me tell you it was cold and I was miserable. Not because of the weather, but because Utah was playing terribly! Ach! Then they came alive in the last quarter and we ended up winning by one point, because we blocked a field goal in the last seconds of the game.
It was GLORIOUS!!!!
We then went to an art exhibit at BYU (ironically) with our old friends from Salt Lake, Brian and Kristen. I had actually seen him at the game and we set it up when we were there. It was an exhibit on Carl Bloch and it was very moving. We got burgers and fries afterward.
The trip was a big success and even though there was a pretty significant snowstorm on the trip home, we were only delayed by about an hour.
Now I am back to the grind. In other words, we did a lot of schoolwork today and on a completely unrelated topic to that, I did a lot of yelling today as well.
Eli joined in on the screamfest and I finally banished him to his room for a nap. He told me emphatically, “Eli no nap!” but I was not convinced. I checked on him about 90 minutes later and sure enough he was asleep...sitting on the toilet...half naked...slumped down to the side frozen like a statue. Even when I moved him, he never cracked an eyelid. Mommy knows best.
If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness...Come what may, and love it! -Joseph B. Wirthlin
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
15 Years
What do you do when you have been officially married for 15 years?
Well, I don't know about you, but today I did my mom stuff: diapers, sick babies, homeschool, grocery shopping, etc. Rinar stayed home today and he got to help me. He took the boys to their music lessons and helped with the kids. I even had him do geography with Raef and Zach while I went to the store.
Then we planned to go to dinner tonight. He was going to take me to a nice restaurant. However, my friend Amy had invited me to come to the home birth of baby #5. The baby was overdue and finally I got the call this evening around 5:30. I was so happy I would be able to come. So Rinar and I did a quick dinner at Cafe Rio and as I was halfway through my chicken tostada her sister called to tell me she was dilated to a 5. I was glad because I knew I would be able to finish my dinner.
Then we went over there and Rinar waited out in the living room with the kids. Amy was sitting on the toilet and I had no idea how close she was to giving birth. Sure enough, 10 minutes after I got there she calmly (and I really mean that) eased out a baby boy. Yes, the kid was born on the toilet. But gravity was a good thing tonight. It was amazing. I am so grateful I could experience the miracle of birth the natural way and that it wasn't me. She looked fantastic and the baby is beautiful. He has a lot of hair and a nice loud cry. The name is yet to be decided.
We talked for a little bit and then went to finish our date at Cheesecake Factory for dessert. Then when we got home I spent some time drawing with Raef. He is quite the kid.
So now you know what you do when you celebrate 15 years of marriage. The good thing is that I will always remember the birth date for Amy and Stan's 5th child, November 24, 2010.
Happy Anniversary Rinar. It feels like a lifetime ago that we were married, and yet it has been in a blink of an eye. Time really does fly. I am a totally different person than that 19 year-old girl you married. You make me a better person and you are my love for eternity.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Walk and Dive
It was a momentous day today for Miss J. She took some significant steps. As we were doing the walking game, Eli decided he wanted to join in as well so he carefully walked from me to Rinar several times. I informed him that I knew he could walk, but now it was Julia's turn. He went back to playing with his cars.
Julia started out by taking a step or two and then falling into our arms with a delightful squeal. She thought it was great fun.
Harry has got the whole walking thing down now and he now chooses to walk 95% of the time. By Wednesday, I am sure crawling will be a thing of the past.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
To My Auntie Heather
Hi, my name is Julia. I am definitely a girl. My mommy loves me. Look at my perfectly coiffed hair. It is just the way it comes, no hair cut or styling needed. Isn't that amazing?
Thanks for reading my mommy's blog. Hope you have a great week.
Friday, November 19, 2010
O'Callaghan Park Friday and the Runaway Wagon
Therefore, we go to park day with all the other "weird" homeschoolers.
I actually participate in two homeschool support groups. We meet on Tuesdays and Fridays and this is my Friday SEEK group. SEEK is a homeschool co-op. We get together on Mondays and do school together at a private school that is closed on Mondays. It is great. We have met the last two Fridays to discuss some restructuring we plan to do with our group. I am excited for the new program and how it will be implemented. It is going to be awesome and it will set a strong framework for my entire homeschooling week. It is based on the classical model. We will do history, with a hands-on project each week, science (with experiment) class, Latin (I get to teach this one), art and music appreciation, with an art project and then some elective classes in the afternoon like musical theater and an additional art class or choir. All of the morning classes will coordinate with each other and the kids will put things into their timeline book so that there is an order to everything. The timeline book will be used over the years and we will also use it at home. I went ahead and made mine and we have already started. It is going to be great.
Harry was all smiles. He thought it was lots of fun. Julia didn't think so...and neither did I!!!
What do I say about Zach? I really have no words. Actual I have a lot of words but I will just keep them right here in my little noggin. {{SIGH...}}
He was being so cute. I tried to catch him with his big toothy grin, but alas, the light turned green. |
Nevada School of the Arts Twinkle Sculpture
The kids played "Twinkle" in the plaza while we went into the lobby for the big unvieling of the twinkle sculpture. |
This is the dean, Shakeh giving her little speech. |
A Pirate Party
Rinar's co-worker Taiya hosted a pirate party for her son Kian. He turned 2. So, she invited our three little ones to the celebration. They had a lot of fun. Eli still talks about it and it was last week. It makes me realize that his birthday is coming up soon and I better plan on doing something special. He will really appreciate it.
He is walking frantically towards the camera! |
Apparently this little tub of balls kept the babies busy for a long time. |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I was watching the last part of "A River Runs Through It" and I was moved by this line, a sermon given by the father in the movie...
"Either we do not know what part of ourselves to give, or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted. So it is those who we live with and love and should know that elude us. But we can still reach out to them, we can love completely without complete understanding." -A River Runs Through It"
I think that we all struggle with certain relationships in our lives. No matter how you try to shake it or brush it off, you just cannot. I am constantly revisiting that idea repeatedly. There are people in my life that I love and who have affected me deeply but I still feel like an alien to them. I just don't understand them and what they do or don't do. It is hard and sometimes it is hurtful but I try really hard not to take it personally. However, it is difficult to not take it personally, when it is so personal.
What would Jesus Christ do? What does he want me to do? Or more importantly, what does he NOT want me to do?
Then I was watching this movie and I was struck by this realization. Christ wants me to love unconditionally. He wants me to always have an open heart. When it is open, I know that I am more vulnerable to getting hurt, but it doesn't matter. It is his will and no matter what happens to me, Christ makes me whole. He binds up any wound and he strengthens me.
Also, I do not understand everything. There are people in my life whom I love but I do not understand. They baffle me, if you want to know. But once again, it is not for me to understand. Christ commands me to not judge, but to love completely, without complete understanding.
Just love them.
There is so much that I have to give, but you cannot give what people are not willing to take. But I am going to try very hard to have my heart completely and utterly open to them always. Maybe someday they will.
"Either we do not know what part of ourselves to give, or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted. So it is those who we live with and love and should know that elude us. But we can still reach out to them, we can love completely without complete understanding." -A River Runs Through It"
I think that we all struggle with certain relationships in our lives. No matter how you try to shake it or brush it off, you just cannot. I am constantly revisiting that idea repeatedly. There are people in my life that I love and who have affected me deeply but I still feel like an alien to them. I just don't understand them and what they do or don't do. It is hard and sometimes it is hurtful but I try really hard not to take it personally. However, it is difficult to not take it personally, when it is so personal.
What would Jesus Christ do? What does he want me to do? Or more importantly, what does he NOT want me to do?
Then I was watching this movie and I was struck by this realization. Christ wants me to love unconditionally. He wants me to always have an open heart. When it is open, I know that I am more vulnerable to getting hurt, but it doesn't matter. It is his will and no matter what happens to me, Christ makes me whole. He binds up any wound and he strengthens me.
Also, I do not understand everything. There are people in my life whom I love but I do not understand. They baffle me, if you want to know. But once again, it is not for me to understand. Christ commands me to not judge, but to love completely, without complete understanding.
Just love them.
There is so much that I have to give, but you cannot give what people are not willing to take. But I am going to try very hard to have my heart completely and utterly open to them always. Maybe someday they will.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Snow Canyon Half Marathon
Several months ago I came to a stark realization. I was never going to lose that baby weight or find time to exercise unless I had something to train for in the future. It just was not going to happen. So, with flippant comment to Carolyn at a Relief Society Meeting, we both decided to run a half marathon. On Saturday, we accomplished our goal and completed a half marathon.
Rinar also decided to join in the fun because he has gone all "Olivia Newton John" on me these days. He is so into running and biking and swimming. It is like he is possessed. It is cool and I am glad we have something we can do together.
It was a beautiful day Saturday morning, perfect conditions for running. I wasn't nervous at all. I was ready to get it done. The three of us decided to hit the potty one more time at the start of the race and every other racer must have thought the same thing. The line was ridiculous! We all finally made it out and as I turned to start for the line, they started the race. It was a good thing we had a timing chip so the race didn't really start until we crossed the starting line.
I felt incredible the first 6 miles. It was so easy. I had been diligent in getting all of my training runs done, so I knew that I was prepared. But you never know how your body will react. Unfortunately, I got a cramp in the 8th mile and I had to walk for a minute to get it out. Then I made sure to walk again at the 9-mile water stop. I drank a full glass of water and some gatorade and then got going again. I really wanted to stop at mile 12 for some more water, but I decided it wasn't worth it. Either way I was going to hurt and I just wanted to get done! The race finished on the track at Snow Canyon High School. I didn't know if we would have to run around the track, but I mentally prepared myself for any possibility. Sure enough. We had to do a lap around the track. Whatever. It was over soon enough.
And I ended up with a great time: 1 hour, 53 minutes and 2 seconds. That equals out to 8:38 mile splits. I am not going to complain about that because I never trained strenuously. It was a nice surprise. Rinar got in at 1 hour 45 minutes and Carolyn finished in 2 hours and 6 minutes. We all did great.
Sunday was not so good. So. Sore. I. Couldn't. Walk.
We both looked like penguins waddling around. But I am ready to do another soon. Watch out. Maybe I can do it faster. We shall see.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Cake, FINALLY!
Okay, we did this yesterday. That means it was in October and since the babies were born in October it totally counts. Plus, their due date was October 30th so I was probably more accurate in doing this yesterday than on the 5th anyhow.
As a side note, as I was making the cakes Eli came into the kitchen. He made his very astute observation while I was licking the frosting spoon. Hey, I had to test the frosting to make sure it tasted okay. It is what any good baker would do.
Eli said, "Dinner?"
Ha, ha. What a riot? You think I would actually feed my kids cake for dinner? Okay, never mind.
Raef insisted on decorating the tops with a 1. I relented and it turned out as good as I expected. |
Right after this he pushed it away. Sugar must have been overloading his brain. |
But then he got a second wind. |
I thought for sure Harry would be my cake champion. But I think I am going to have to give the title to Eli. He did a much better job of wreaking havoc on his birthday cake. Harry was a solid second place.
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