I thought I would share a few pictures of my new potty master. That's right, he is a potty master! I had some cuter pics of him but I couldn't put them on the world wide web. He just gets it done and he continues to get better and better at it. This is one proud mama. I will ask him occasionally if he wants to go, but most of the time he goes on his own.

I deserve this! I only have two diaper kids to change now. Life is getting easier. Eli is potty-trained and Julia and Harry hold their own bottles. They are eating lots of solids now and sitting up and crawling around. Harry really crawls and Julia uses her arms to pull her whole body, like her lower half is paralyzed.
I finally got my two littlest to the doctor this week for shots and a general check up. Harry weighs 19 lbs 4 oz, which puts him at about 50th percentile, his height puts him at 75th percentile. Julia comes in at a whopping 15 lbs 12 oz, so she is average for height and in the 10th percentile for weight.
Did I mention that Harry crawls everywhere? And he pulls up on stuff, like in this picture.

I can't remember what happened here, but Eli got an owie smack dab in between his eyes. Poor kid.

They just keep growing and surprising me everyday. I love being a mommy.
By the way, Raef did a blog entry all by himself and it would totally make his day if you hopped over there and left him a comment. I would be very grateful.
1 comment:
Congratulations on the potty master, and we need pictures of Julia. You got the boys covered, but hardly any of Julia.
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