Eli is now very enthusiastic about swimming. He wants to swim all the time and he will take off all of his clothes and ask for you to put his "soop" on him, meaning his swimming suit. One day we had friends come to swim in the afternoon. Eli joined in on the fun at the expense of his afternoon nap. They left and I started to make dinner. I turned on the television and started cooking. I could see the top of Eli's head and I thought he was watching t.v. also, relaxing while he waited for dinner. I went to get him when dinner was ready and this is what I found.
He was G.O.N.E. It was 6:15. He didn't stir or move an inch. When we finished dinner, he looked exactly the same. I took him up to bed and I didn't hear from him until 8am. That was one seriously tired kid. Swimming pools do work magic when it comes to this sort of thing.
Julia is really getting around now. I am including a little video to show you how she "crawls", commando style, I guess. She is actually pretty quick.
Don't you love that high-pitched squeal? She is the only kid to ever do that. It must be her girly side coming out. I love it!
You might be surprised to know that she eats a lot more food that Harry. She can really smack it down. The girl loves her food. Now, I know for sure she is my daughter.
Aww! So cute! Nothing like a conked out kid! = )
I love the play kitchen that you did! Great job!
I love the video. She is so cute!! I love the world cup going on in the background!!!
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