Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Freedom Isn't Free

Today was election day: the primary to determine candidates for the general election in November.

Can I just say it really sucks to live in a swing state?

Did you know they have been running ads for Harry Reid since before Christmas last year to remind us of how wonderful he is?

Do you realize that I have had, on average, 10-15 calls a day by different candidates. These are mostly recordings, but sometimes you get a live one.

One live one even knocked on my door to encourage me to vote for the candidate he was supporting. He was from Ohio. This candidate was leading in the polls in an imaginary race against the incumbent and because of this, I should vote for them.


Soon my television will be overrun with political ads...over and over and over and over and over again. I am so grateful for DVR.

But with all of my complaining, I am so grateful that I have this problem. I can really understand the saying, "Freedom Isn't Free!" My phone and front door and radio and television set and neighborhood fences and street corners pay the price everyday.

1 comment:

Southern Kiwi said...

"Freedom Isn't Free!"
Yeah. Especially when Mickey Mouse and prison inmates can vote...

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