Our family is here...everyone. We went to get Harry at the hospital. I had to leave in a wheelchair. I thought she was joking at first, but no. It is hospital policy...{Oh brother!}, and there are people out there who think this country doesn't need tort reform.
The nurse took the picture as we headed out of the hospital. Look at that crew. Watch out everyone. This is quite a bunch ready to make their way in the world.
We all fit in our mini-van. It is a packed house now.
Eli likes to sit in the bouncy seat too. He came prepared. He had a book to read and 2 hairbrushes to keep his good looks in order.
There is daddy with our latest editions. And I can attest to the fact that when they cry, they sound almost identical.
Just as a side note...I can guarantee you that when I take these two out in public, someone will ask me if they are identical. Isn't it obvious? Of course they are. So, if someone asks me if they are identical, I will say yes. It is just easier that way. I will keep you posted on that one.
Yeah! I am so happy for you that you have everyone home now. Having a little one in the NICU is stressful even when it is a good thing. Hugs from Georgia!
Sorry that last comment was by me. I didn't realize that my son was logged in.
Congratulations! I am so happy that everyone is home! And you gotta love the 'twin' questions! I have people ask me "how do you tell them apart"? Well, except for different sizes, different color hair and eyes, and basically they look nothing alike! I just say "oh, I can just tell"! Then I laugh to myself.
A bazillion congratulations to the new and improved Erickson clan! can't wait to see the little ones.
Glad everyone is home!
Funny thing about the "identical" twins bit...I have a friend who also has twins -- a boy and a girl. When they were newborns, she had a friend, who was a nurse by profession, over helping out. This friend, this NURSE, was changing their diapers -- all was exposed -- and she had the crazy notion to ask if they were identical. Um...duh!
Yeah! That is a full car! The babies do look alike. I can tell that Rinar has been off work for a while, grow it while you can. Glad everything is going so well! Can't wait to hold the babies.
don't you just love all the "twin" questions you get. They are adorable!
We are so glad you are all home now. Post more pictures!
As the Mother of Boy/Girl twins who are now 9, I can guarantee you will be asked with shocking frequency if they are identical.
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