This is what our stairs have looked like for the past 5 years. Las Vegas streets are so dirty. If you go outside barefoot at all, your feet are covered in black. And my stairs have paid the price for all of that blackness, especially the first four steps. So I decided a while ago that I wanted wood stairs. Here is the before picture.
So we had to get everything ready for the floor guy. We painted the base boards upstairs for the hallway that was getting re-floored also.
And we repainted the hallway twice. I picked the wrong color, so we had to do it again the next day. I will spare you the pain of the first color. It is best forgotten as quickly as possible.
This is looking towards the stairs. You will noticed a barely painted green wall. That is on my list for this week. I hope to get it done before we have visitors this coming weekend for Raef and Zach's baptism. I am not done, so that is why there is still junk on the counter. It is my painting things.
I also put up picture frames to complete the entire wall going up the stairs. I am now in the process of picking out my favorite pictures to put in these frames. It is going to be fantastic when it is done.
And life moves on with the kids. Here is Eli taking a bath.
And Zach reading a book today, since he can't watch tv or play the Wii. What is a boy to do?
And I thought I would include this little video of Eli talking. You can hear all of the chaos in the background. My house sounds like that all day. Don't let the crying scare you off.
What is left for me to do, you might ask? Okay, I want to repaint my bedroom, Eli's bedroom, and the nursery. I need to make new curtains, put up bead board, find a girly quilt for Julia's room, re-organize my kitchen, and update my food storage. Hmmm, what else? Oh yeah, I want to re-upholster these brown chairs I have with some cool fabric I got for a song and a dance, and make my play kitchen. I have the entertainment center and now all I need to do is find a silver bowl for a sink and a faucet that will fit.
Fun times are ahead, but I really am looking forward to completing these tasks.