I adore autumn. It is the best time of year, and now it is knocking on the door. Summer is fiercely holding on, with its last gasp of heat...but it just can't stay much longer.
Soon, the air will get crisp. The leaves will explode in an array of beautifully magnificent colors. There will be a crunch at my feet and something special in the air. It is the time of bouquets of sharpened pencils, brand new sneakers, fall sports, and college football.
I love the coziness of the hearth when it starts to get colder. I feel like baking and sewing. I turn on the baseball games to watch the playoffs and all of the wackiness that happens. Sometimes, we even go to a game and it is a blast. I remember when we first moved into our house in Las Vegas and I was busy baking something while I watched the Red Sox make their miraculous comeback against the Yankees in the 9th inning and then winning the entire series. Good times.
But this doesn't even compare to college football. Since Rinar and I are both graduates of the University of Utah, we just love watching their games. We are not fanatics or anything, but we still enjoy going to a few and watching what we can on television. It is just one of those awesome American experiences, that you can only really truly experience in autumn.
So tomorrow school officially starts for the public school world. Even though I won't be putting my kids on a bus or have them wearing a new backpack, I am still excited for this new time of year.
Welcome autumn. Have a seat. Rock a while.